
Job offers: Don’t get lost along the way

Tue Jan 09 2018

Sometimes I wonder what happened between the moment when recruiters started to think about a vacant job position and when they decide to promote a job offer. Small rant.

Lessons learned about Bus Factor (Part 5/5): Detect it before it is too late

Sun Oct 01 2017

In the previous articles we talked about different strategies to keep a balance in your team and avoid giving all the responsibility to one developer. But can we detect when the project starts to take the wrong direction? Can we find a test to prove things are improving?

Lessons learned about Bus Factor (Part 4/5): Stay close to the domain

Sat Sep 30 2017

Writing good code is not only about architectural patterns. It's always linked to your final users and to the domain you are working for.

Lessons learned about Bus Factor (Part 3/5): Write explicit code

Fri Sep 29 2017

This article shows how to refactor code to make it more explicit and help the next developer who will read your work

Lessons learned about Bus Factor (2/5): Balancing the level of your team

Thu Sep 28 2017

What are the non technical measures you can take to improve your Bus Factor?