

I’m a backend developer and author. Mostly living in Paris. I love open source and human languages.

You can find me on Github, Twitter, LinkedIn and Mastodon. AFK, my name is Yann Rabiller. Right now I’m mainly working as a contractor for short assignments. If you think we could work together, you can contact me here.

I released my first book From PHP to Python: A Straight-to-the-Point Guide in May 2023.

Also having fun with photography 📷. You can check out my Flickr here.

My skills

What I want to learn next

About this website

It was happily built thanks to TailwindCSS, Astro and Typescript.

Some blog articles were written a long time ago on my Medium account. I want to host articles on my own now.

I decided to post every week an article about what I learned. We’ll see how it goes.