
This Week I Learned: 2022W28

Wed Jul 13 2022

TWIL about Postgres, PDF, PHP, CSS, Tailwind, React.

My blog is back

Thu Jul 07 2022

After a few years of non writing, I'm back. On a blog I own.

A free CI (using Docker-Compose) for your Gitlab repositories?

Thu Oct 04 2018

Gitlab offers good service but their documentation is not so easy to follow and understand. Here is how to use docker-compose on Gitlab, and how to have a free CI

Testing your app with docker-compose on CircleCI

Tue Oct 02 2018

CircleCI allows to use docker, but it's not that simple to use docker-compose with their service. This article shows how.

Job offers: Don’t get lost along the way

Tue Jan 09 2018

Sometimes I wonder what happened between the moment when recruiters started to think about a vacant job position and when they decide to promote a job offer. Small rant.